
UK's Leading Cardiologist Finally Reveals His Shocking

Big Pharma Exposé

How One Doctor’s Fight Against Corporate Greed Led to an Ancient, Life-Changing Solution for Heart Disease

  • Online Streaming $9.99 - World Wide Access

  • Online Streaming Access $9.99

See What People Are Saying

Eminent NHS GP
Dr Campbell Murdoch

"You will not get this information elsewhere but is key to ensure informed decision making with your patients"

Author & Presenter
Tonia Buxton

"If you care about your health, the health of your family, the health of your children, then it's really important that you watch the film 'Do No Pharm' "

Media Commentator James Melville

"...expose and shine a light on many of the unethical behaviours in the corporate world of 'big pharma' "

Wimbledon Champion & Tennis Icon Pat Cash

"...a must watch... it shines light on the medical industry and the problems we have... "

Renowned Broadcaster Neil Oliver

"We've ended up on the wrong path, and 'First! Do No Pharm' puts that all into context and lays it bare"

Featuring Leading Medical Experts

Join The Movement Which Could Change Healthcare Forever

*Note: due to the nature of this content we may be forced to take it down at any time - secure your access here.

Dr Jay Bhattacharya

Dr Jay Bhattacharya is a Professor of Medicine at Stanford University.

He is a research associate at the National Bureau of Economics Research, a senior fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, and at the Stanford Freeman Spogli Institute.

He holds courtesy appointments as Professor in Economics and in Health Research and Policy.

Dr Robert Lustig

Dr Robert Lustig is Professor emeritus of Pediatrics, Division of Endocrinology at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) .

He specializes in the field of neuroendocrinology, with an emphasis on the regulation of energy balance by the central nervous system.

His research and clinical practice has focused on childhood obesity and diabetes.

Dr. Lustig holds a Bachelor’s in Science from MIT, a Doctorate in Medicine from Cornell University. Medical College, and a Master’s of Studies in Law from U.C. Hastings College of the Law.

Dr John Abramson

Dr John Abramson serves on the clinical faculty of Harvard Medical School, where he teaches public health policy.

He is author of the book, Sickening: How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care and How We Can Repair It.

He was an expert witness in the first major pharmaceutical fraud scandal when Merck falsified their own research to bring Vioxx onto the market in 1999. Vioxx killed an estimated 55,000 Americans before it was pulled in 2004.

Read The Reviews

"I've known for a long while how corrupt big pharm is, plus I learnt even more during Covid, but it is even worse than I realized. Thank God for Drs like these who have ethics and morals. Thank you, keep up the amazing work. Hopefully by the time my grandchildren are older they will know more of the truth. I am teaching them not to be indoctrinated and if anything doesn't sit right with them to question it, even if it comes from somebody in authority. Thanks again"

Stephen John Sefton

"This should be shown as a constant loop on all the waiting room TV’s in all the local clinics and hospitals across this country! Well done!!

Peter Collin

"Everyone should see this, especially doctors and their trusting patients"

Lynn Faust

"This movie was a long time in coming. It is so important for this information to be out there. We are in a scary time in this country specifically with the pharmaceutical industry"


"Excellent, inspiring, eye-opening film. Grateful to all who contributed and who strive to expose the corruption and reveal the true ways to help humanity. Everyone needs to see this!"

Mrs S M Maclennan

"Such an excellent expose - the truth will out, and the truth will win - in the end! "

Julie C Tara

"Wonderful documentary. Thank you 💗"

N Harasymenko

"Factually informative. How the greed of money and power has infiltrated all parts of health care. mainstream media and our political systems. Thank you for having the courage to share this information so we the public can be better informed about the dark arts at work that affect our health and well being."


A personal message from Dr Aseem Malhotra

We Have Had Too Much Medicine For Too Many Years

The Time To Act Is Now


Dear Friend,

We stand at a critical juncture in the history of medicine, and I'm writing to you with a sense of urgency that cannot be overstated.

For over a decade, I've been sounding the alarm about the pervasive and pernicious influence of "too much medicine" in our lives.

Today, I'm calling on you to join me in a fight that affects us all.

The harsh reality is this: we are drowning in a sea of pharmaceuticals, pushed upon us by an industry that has long since abandoned its moral compass in pursuit of profit.

Big Pharma, more powerful and profitable than ever before, has infiltrated every aspect of our healthcare system.

Our regulatory bodies, meant to protect us, have instead become beholden to the very corporations they should be overseeing.

Let me be clear – this is not a victimless crime.

The cost is measured in human lives, in suffering and the erosion of trust in a system that should heal, not harm.

We've witnessed these companies pay billions in fines as if they were mere parking tickets, their CEOs offering hollow apologies before returning to their boardrooms.

The numbers are staggering, almost beyond comprehension.

That's why I'm producing "First Do No Pharm", a documentary that will rip away the veil of secrecy and expose the ugly truth of how our health has been commodified and exploited for decades.

This film isn't just an exposé – it's a call to arms. It will provide you with the knowledge and tools to fight back against a system that values profits over patients.

We'll show you how to navigate this treacherous landscape, how to protect yourself and your loved ones from the excesses of an industry gone mad.

But I can't do this alone.

The mainstream media, beholden to pharmaceutical advertising dollars, will never tell this story. That's why I'm turning to you – the public – for support.

Your support will ensure that this vital message remains untainted by commercial interests, free to speak truth to power without fear or favour.

The time for complacency is over. We must demand transparency, accountability, and a drastic reduction in the influence of Big Pharma on our lives.

Your support for this film is more than a contribution – it's a declaration that you won't stand idly by while our health is bartered away in boardrooms.

Join us in this crucial fight.

Together, we can reclaim our health, our autonomy, and our future from the clutches of an industry that has forgotten its purpose.

The stakes couldn't be higher. The time to act is now.

In solidarity and determination,

Dr. Aseem Malhotra

P.S. Follow me on Twitter for updates on our progress and to stay informed about this vital issue.

Your voice, amplified by thousands of others, can create the change we so desperately need.

About Dr Aseem Malhotra

Dr. Aseem Malhotra is an award-winning consultant cardiologist and one of the world's most influential campaigning doctors.

Based at the HUM2N Clinic in London, he is globally regarded for his expertise in evidence-based medicine, obesity, coronary artery disease, and preventive cardiology.

Dr. Malhotra graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 2001 and has since become a medical game-changer, enlisting celebrities like Jamie Oliver and Steven Gerrard in his crusade to improve public health.

Dr Malhotra Has Been Featured In

Quotes From Peers

"He is the UK standard bearer for integrity"

"I have been inspired by Dr. Malhotra’s bravery. He is the UK standard bearer for integrity and bravery in speaking out for patient safety. The world needs more doctors like him. Many doctors are too afraid to challenge mainstream dogma."

Dr Dean Patterson - MBCHB, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians -

from a letter to the General Medical Council, 19 February 2024

"He does this in defence of the Hippocratic oath"

"Aseem is a very old friend of mine and I have watched his brave and often perilous journey confronting corruption and malpractice.

He does this in defence of the Hippocratic oath, which he took in defence of my health and millions like me who constantly are looking for the truth about healthcare.

He will not stop until we all understand his vital mission for our benefit."

Gurinder Chadha OBE - Film Director, Golden Globe & BAFTA Nominee

"standing up against misinformation, maladministration and abuse of power."

"Vital public health debate is undermined by ignorance and vested interests. In Aseem we have a medical expert, interpreter and advocate not afraid of swapping his stethoscope for a microphone and standing up against misinformation, maladministration and abuse of power."

Baroness Sharmishta Chakrabarti CBE. - politician, barrister, and human rights activist.

"Aseem has always been a hugely valuable source of information and inspiration when it comes to campaigning on diet related disease."

Jamie Oliver - MBE OSI, Chef and Author

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Join The Movement Which Could Change Healthcare Forever

*Note: due to the nature of this content we may be forced to take it down at any time - secure your access here.

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